Madelyn Shackelford Washington


Madelyn Shackelford Washington holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Music Industry Studies from California State University at Northridge and has been active in the performing arts for a number of years.


With 13 years of training, in she is a well-seasoned musician and has toured Europe with a number of Orchestra’s as a Flute player since 1996.  As a performer, she has appeared in over 40 different countries spanning all but two of the world’s continents, singing, dancing and choreographing for such groups as: The Albert McNeil Jubilee Singers of Los Angeles, the Paul A. Smith Singers and Aladanza Dance Company.  As a featured vocalist she has been heard in concert venues such as the Hollywood Bowl, the Motzarteum, and Carnegie Hall.


Among her most outstanding achievements has been the founding of her own dance company, Souell Productions.  Debuting at Paramount Studios in Hollywood, her company has quickly become a force to be recognized in the performing arts industry both locally and internationally.

To contact us:

Souell Productions

Madelyn Shackelford Washington

Fax: 805-581-3311


Madelyn Shackelford Washington