Cameo Lynette Fasulo

Dance has been the largest contributing factor in Cameo Lynette Fasulo’s Life.  She has performed with a number of celebrities, some are; Dick Van Dyke, The Nicholas Brothers, and Artie Bryant.  Her tapping ability was showcased throughout the United States when she made an appearance at The Gypsy Awards in the famous Beverly Hills Hotel.


Cameo has an extensive background in musical theater and is widely acclaimed throughout North America for her jazz choreography.  She has danced for Tap Sounds Underground, and “Shakara” of Souell Productions.


Her recent projects include working on a TV sitcom for Warner Brothers and touring  with Souell Productions to Montevideo, Uruguay for their Philharmonic Orchestra Millinium Celebration.


Currently she is directing the California State University Chico dance department,  and in spring will receive her bachelor degree in Psychology and Theater. 

To contact us:

Souell Productions

Madelyn Shackelford Washington

Fax: 805-581-3311


Cameo Lynette Fasulo